Good luck RBHS students!

RBES Parent Involvement Meeting
Meeting ID: 784 6249 9902
Password: 045882

Reminder!!! #RBHS

Congratulations to our CTE completers!!! #RBHS

4th grade students were tasked to complete the Western Expansion Dioramas but then AMI took place. Mrs Adams is so proud of everyone who completed their project!

Happy Retirement, Jackie Head!! Rose Bud School District will miss you greatly!
We appreciate all of your hard work over the years!! Enjoy Retirement! #RBSD

Reminders! Seniors!!

Reminder!! Drop off today and tomorrow!! #RBHS

Items left at the Elementary by students can be picked up today, Sat May 16 from 10am-2pm. Use parent pick up and staff will bring it to you!

Good luck to students taking AP Exams!
To take the exam, you will login to your College Board Account at www.myap.collegeboard.org at 12:30 pm on exam day. You will go through the identification section and be ready for the exam to open at exactly 1:00 pm.

Looking for something new to try? Mr Gorham has a lesson to create moon sand. #FineArtsFriday

AP Exams are Upon Us! Be sure you have received your E-Ticket!!
To take the exam, you will login to your College Board Account at www.myap.collegeboard.org at 12:30 pm on exam day. You will go through the identification section and be ready for the exam to open at exactly 1:00pm

Through quick, interactive tales, students can learn useful financial management skills, such as savings, money management and goal setting. #TerrificTalentedGT

Congratulations to our Rose Bud High School Career and Technical Completers!!! #RBHS #CTE

Happy Retirement, Mr. Phil! We will miss you!!

AP Exams are Upon Us! Be sure you have received your E-Ticket!!
To take the exam, you will login to your College Board Account at www.myap.collegeboard.org at 12:30 pm on exam day. You will go through the identification section and be ready for the exam to open at exactly 1:00pm


AP Exams are Upon Us! Be sure you have received your E-Ticket!!
To take the exam, you will login to your College Board Account at www.myap.collegeboard.org at 12:30 pm on exam day. You will go through the identification section and be ready for the exam to open at exactly 1:00

Attention fans of the "I Survived" series- Mrs. Lester has a virtual school visit from author Lauren Tarshis. #TechTuesday

Elementary student belongings may be picked up today, Tuesday May 12, 2020, from 7 am-Noon. Use the parent drop off/pick up lane. Staff will bring the belongings to you. Next pick up date will be Thursday May 14, 2020 1:30-6:00 pm.