#RBSD #LastWeekOfSchool #RBHS

#RBHS #Seniors

For this #MusicMonday, Mrs. Davis has a sound scavenger hunt for students! https://tinyurl.com/yasxvlqc

Rose Bud High School 2020 Graduation Ceremony Video.
Congratulations, we are proud of all of you!
#RBSD #RBHS #WeAreInThisTogether #2020Graduation

Enjoy today’s #FineArtsFriday lesson from Mr Gorham!

Elementary parents- items students have at the school can be picked up next week! Drive thru parent pick and staff will bring the items to you.
Tuesday 7am-noon, Thursday 1-6pm and Saturday 10am-2pm
(Report cards will be mailed to you)

Mr. Dodge, High School Principal, placed these signs in the High School Teacher's yards as appreciation during Teacher Appreciation Week.
They have been working harder than ever, and we appreciate them so much!
Thank You All!!

It’s time to S-T-R-E-T-C-H your brain again with a GT lesson and some engineering! #TerrifictTalentedGT https://tinyurl.com/y7l62t3s

For #WellnessWednesday learn a new skill; RBE students try cup stacking for beginners!

Thank You, Rose Bud School District Teachers! We appreciate all of you!! #RBSD

Thank you Sonic in Quitman for donating free drinks and ice cream cones to all of our teachers. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! #RBHS

Check out the world book online resources! Students, you can read, listen to, or look at photos about virtually any topic. There is a category for early learning, activity corner, science power, and more. #TechTuesday

Mrs. Davis has a lesson for everyone at Rose Bud Elementary in honor of Star Wars Day and #MusicMonday! Here is a link to her power point https://tinyurl.com/ya6uadrw and here is her lesson! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60t0rRYD7qc

Reminder: Today is the day! Rose Bud Graduation Convoy will start at 2 p.m. traveling from the Assembly of God Church to the school. Park along the route; please remain in your vehicles.

I would like to thank Threaded Hearts and New Life Church for making Face Masks for our graduates and staff today! They will be handed out to each graduate in the church parking lot this morning.

Final Parking Map for Graduation. Please remember to begin parking at 1:00. Nurse Jeannie will be there conducting health checks. Mrs. Petray will be there to hand out cords.

This week's RBE art lesson gets you outside! Remember, Mr. Gorham would love to see your work. Email him (mgorham@rbsd.k12.ar.us) or post your art work on social media and include #FineArtsFriday in the post!

Join #RamblerNation tonight watching the THV11 Senior Shoutout honoring five Rose Bud Seniors at 6 & 10 p.m.

When was the last time you wrote a haiku?
Haikus tend to give an interesting insight about something trivial, usually some aspect of nature or the seasons. #TerrificTalentedGT

We will continue to update our graduation plans on social media. Nothing can replace a traditional graduation ceremony, but we are glad we can honor all of our graduates this weekend. We hope to host a traditional ceremony and prom at a later date.