Correction to the school calendar: School will be out for Good Friday on April 2nd.

March regularly scheduled Board meeting scheduled for March 22nd has been moved to March 15, 6:00p.m. due to Spring Break.

Join our Rambler Family next school year and be a part of the Rose Bud School District!! #RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst
School Choice Forms: https://www.rosebudschools.com/page/online-0-forms

Juniors & Seniors: If you are planning on attending After Prom, there will be a sign up sheet in Ms. Echlin's room. You will need to sign up with your t-shirt size.
Remember - You must attend Prom to be able to go to After Prom!

Thank You, RBHS Cheerleaders!! We love having you at all of our ballgames!!
The Lady Ramblers specifically wanted to thank you for attending their Regional and State Tournaments! They appreciate you ladies so much!
#RBHS #RamblerAthletics #PuttingStudentsFirst

7th - 12th Grade Students : If you are interested in riding the Pep Bus to Clinton tomorrow to watch the Senior Girls in the State Tournament, then you NEED to pick up a permission slip from the High School Office - TODAY.
-Bus will depart from school at 2:45 PM
-Basketball Game is at 4:00 PM at Clinton
-No Cost to ride the bus
-Must purchase a ticket to the game yourself : https://gofan.co/app/events/248455#
-We need 30 students to ride the Pep Bus in order to take a Pep Bus
-Must pick up a permission form today
You may email scooper@rbsd.k12.ar.us with any questions.

There will be NO PeeWee Basketball Games on Monday or Tuesday of this week!!!
** The PeeWee games are canceled for March 8th & 9th **

Rose Bud Lady Ramblers will compete in the first round of the 3A Basketball State Tournament on Tuesday!
At Clinton vs. Centerpoint -- 4:00 PM!! There will be plenty of tickets available, so go show your support on Tuesday!
--Link for Tickets: https://gofan.co/app/events/248455#
--Link for Bracket: https://scorebooklive.com/girls-basketball/tournaments/2021-arkansas-girlsbasketball-3a-state-bracket
--Link for Information: https://www.rosebudschools.com/page/athletic

- Rambler Baseball started their season this week with 2 Wins on Thursday and Friday!! Great Job Boys!!
- On Monday : BOTH Softball & Baseball will have their first Home games starting at 4:30 PM!!

Congratulations, Lady Ramblers!! We are so proud of you!!
Let's show our support on Tuesday at Clinton in the first round of State!!
#RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball
**more details to come**

Our Lady Ramblers will compete for 3rd/4th Place in the Regional Tournament - Tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM!
This will also seed them for the State Tournament for next week!
Ticket Link: https://gofan.co/app/events/247808
#RamblerBasketball #PuttingStudentsFirst

***Must be 65 or older***
* Name must be on the list*
You may call Rose Bud School nurse at 501-556-5152 ext 244 OR call Rose Bud City Hall 501-556-4967 to have you name added to the list.
Anyone that meets the criteria from the surrounding rural areas may participate.

Our Rose Bud Lady Ramblers will play Hoxie in the Semi-Finals of the Regional Tournament today at Manila -- 4:00 PM!
Link for Tickets: https://gofan.co/app/events/254383
Link to watch Online: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNb0GxO3RKIjl5Haebs4z8g/videos

Here is the link to purchase tickets for the Semi-Finals of Regionals!
The ladies play at Manila Vs. Hoxie at 4:00 PM!
Let’s show up and support our Lady Ramblers: https://gofan.co/app/events/254383

Congratulations to our Lady Ramblers for advancing to the Semi-Finals of Regionals & earning a spot in the State Tournament!!!
They will play tomorrow at Manila VS Hoxie — 4:00 PM!
#PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball

Help spread the word & Stop the spread of Covid!

Good Luck Lady Ramblers!!! We are proud of y'all!
Here is the link to watch them play today: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNb0GxO3RKIjl5Haebs4z8g/featured
#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball

Important reminder for our Parents & Students!! Thank You!!
#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst

Our Lady Ramblers head to Manila this afternoon to play in the first round of Regionals tomorrow!!! Good Luck Ladies!!!
For information on tickets for Regionals, click here: https://www.rosebudschools.com/page/athletic
#PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball

Free ACT for Juniors! #PuttingStudentsFirst