Correction to the school calendar: School will be out for Good Friday on April 2nd. #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
March regularly scheduled Board meeting scheduled for March 22nd has been moved to March 15, 6:00p.m. due to Spring Break.
about 4 years ago, Allen Blackwell
Join our Rambler Family next school year and be a part of the Rose Bud School District!! #RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst -- School Choice Forms:
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Juniors & Seniors: If you are planning on attending After Prom, there will be a sign up sheet in Ms. Echlin's room. You will need to sign up with your t-shirt size. Remember - You must attend Prom to be able to go to After Prom!
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Thank You, RBHS Cheerleaders!! We love having you at all of our ballgames!! -- The Lady Ramblers specifically wanted to thank you for attending their Regional and State Tournaments! They appreciate you ladies so much! -- #RBHS #RamblerAthletics #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
7th - 12th Grade Students : If you are interested in riding the Pep Bus to Clinton tomorrow to watch the Senior Girls in the State Tournament, then you NEED to pick up a permission slip from the High School Office - TODAY. --- -Bus will depart from school at 2:45 PM -Basketball Game is at 4:00 PM at Clinton -No Cost to ride the bus -Must purchase a ticket to the game yourself : -We need 30 students to ride the Pep Bus in order to take a Pep Bus -Must pick up a permission form today -- You may email with any questions.
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
There will be NO PeeWee Basketball Games on Monday or Tuesday of this week!!! ** The PeeWee games are canceled for March 8th & 9th **
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Rose Bud Lady Ramblers will compete in the first round of the 3A Basketball State Tournament on Tuesday! At Clinton vs. Centerpoint -- 4:00 PM!! There will be plenty of tickets available, so go show your support on Tuesday! --Link for Tickets: --Link for Bracket: --Link for Information:
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
- Rambler Baseball started their season this week with 2 Wins on Thursday and Friday!! Great Job Boys!! - On Monday : BOTH Softball & Baseball will have their first Home games starting at 4:30 PM!! -- Schedules:
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Congratulations, Lady Ramblers!! We are so proud of you!! Let's show our support on Tuesday at Clinton in the first round of State!! #RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball **more details to come**
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Our Lady Ramblers will compete for 3rd/4th Place in the Regional Tournament - Tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM! This will also seed them for the State Tournament for next week! Congrats!! — Ticket Link: — #RamblerBasketball #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
***Must be 65 or older*** * Name must be on the list* You may call Rose Bud School nurse at 501-556-5152 ext 244 OR call Rose Bud City Hall 501-556-4967 to have you name added to the list. Anyone that meets the criteria from the surrounding rural areas may participate.
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Our Rose Bud Lady Ramblers will play Hoxie in the Semi-Finals of the Regional Tournament today at Manila -- 4:00 PM! -- Link for Tickets: Link to watch Online: --
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Here is the link to purchase tickets for the Semi-Finals of Regionals! The ladies play at Manila Vs. Hoxie at 4:00 PM! Let’s show up and support our Lady Ramblers:
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Congratulations to our Lady Ramblers for advancing to the Semi-Finals of Regionals & earning a spot in the State Tournament!!! They will play tomorrow at Manila VS Hoxie — 4:00 PM! #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Help spread the word & Stop the spread of Covid!
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Good Luck Lady Ramblers!!! We are proud of y'all! -- Here is the link to watch them play today: -- #RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Important reminder for our Parents & Students!! Thank You!! #RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Our Lady Ramblers head to Manila this afternoon to play in the first round of Regionals tomorrow!!! Good Luck Ladies!!! -- For information on tickets for Regionals, click here: -- #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Free ACT for Juniors! #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District