Rambler Fans :
For information on tickets for Regionals, click here: https://www.rosebudschools.com/page/athletic
#PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball

Yearbook Senior Ad balances must be paid in full by March 26th. If you need to know how much you owe, please contact Ms. Echlin at sechlin@rbsd.k12.ar.us.

All 5th and 6th Grade PeeWee Basketball Games are Canceled for this week : March 1 - 5.
#RBES #PuttingStudentsFirst

Freedom of School Choice applications are due by May 1st. Join our Rose Bud School District Family!
Forms can be found here: https://www.rosebudschools.com/page/online-0-forms
-- Photos by: Lauren Martin Photography --
#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst #SchoolChoice

We have Baseball & Softball starting up this week!! Here are the schedules for their spring seasons!!
#RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBaseball #RamblerSoftball

The Lady Ramblers will play in the first round of Regionals on Thursday, March 4th, at Manila - 4:00 PM!! Good Luck!!
#RBHS #RamblerBasketball #PuttingStudentsFirst

Congratulations, Coach Moss & the Lady Ramblers! We are proud of y’all!
Runner-Up in the District Tournament, & they will advance to Regionals next week!
#PuttingStudentsFirst #RBHS #RamblerBasketball

The Lady Ramblers will play at Mountain View at 6:00 PM in the District Finals!!! There are very limited number of tickets, so watch from anywhere with this livestream link! Good Luck, Ladies!
Livestream: https://youtu.be/I5k5BiKrePs
#PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball

Rose Bud Lady Ramblers took the big W over Clinton tonight. They will play tomorrow in the District Finals at Mountain View - 6:00 PM!
We will post the details for ticket purchasing tomorrow!
#RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball

Rose Bud PeeWee Basketball Schedule
The games for Monday, March 1st and Tuesday, March 2nd have been cancelled, but will be rescheduled.

Rose Bud Senior High Girls advancing to the District Tournament Semifinals!! They will play tonight at Clinton - 6:00 PM!
#RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball

Congratulations, Senior High Basketball Boys!! We are proud of you!
#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball

The Rose Bud Music Department would like to present a "virtual" performance of our winter concert music. Sadly, due to Covid-19 restrictions it was not possible to have an in person performance. The groups performing are the Beginning Band, Junior High Band, Choir, and High School Band. We are thankful to the parents, administration, and community for their continued support of the arts especially during this school year. #PuttingStudentsFirst #RBHS #Band #Choir
Band and Choir Winter Concert: https://youtu.be/UWghsKsfHss

Tickets for the Senior Boys and Senior Girls District Conference Tournament games on Wednesday and Thursday are now available. Click on the following link to purchase:

RBSD : The school buses were not able to travel all roads today due to weather conditions. If you were not picked up or cannot drive to school safely, you will not be counted absent. Please complete your work from home today.

7th - 12th graders will go to 3rd period for their first class on Tuesday!
#PuttingStudentsFirst #RBHS

The Rose Bud School District will be open tomorrow with an one hour delayed start. The buses will run one hour later than normal, and classes will begin at 9:00 a.m.

Rose Bud Schools will be Virtual, Packet, and Choice Board instruction on Monday February 22nd. Backroads are still icy and too dangerous for busses.

Great News - Senior High Basketball District Tournament will be held this week!!
Each game will be held at the school of highest seed.
Wednesday the Senior Boys will play at Home against Riverview!
#PuttingStudentsFirst #RBHS #RamblerBasketball