Monday’s PeeWee games against White County Central have been rescheduled for April 6th! *No PeeWee Games Monday*
almost 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
The RBHS Fellowship of Christian Athletes led a prayer circle for the Mitchell Family today during lunch! Joley Mitchell is a former student at Rose Bud - Class of 2019. She is currently playing softball at Norte Dame. Her mother is Alexis Mitchell who teaches 3rd grade at Rose Bud. Joley has been admitted to the hospital & is very sick. The family is asking for prayers!!
almost 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
The Freedom of School Choice deadline is getting closer! Join us at Rose Bud School District!! #RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst #SchoolChoice -- School Choice Forms:
almost 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
#RBES #PuttingStudentsFirst #BookFair
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
PeeWee Basketball Updates : -- The Southside Batesville games have been rescheduled for April 5th! -- Here is the link for Tuesday's home PeeWee game:
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Come catch some Rambler Softball and Baseball tournament games on Friday & Saturday at Carlisle! -- Baseball/Softball Fields Address: 1200 Pauschert Road - Carlisle, AR 72024 -- #RBHS #RamblerSoftball #RamblerBaseball #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Students in Family and Consumer Science class each created an edible color wheel to better understand the concept of colors, mixing colors and color schemes! #RBSD #CTE #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Be sure to check out the nice handrail that our RBHS Agri. Mechanics Class designed, fabricated, painted, and helped install by the RBSD Safe Room. These boys are turning out to be great shop workers!! #RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
-- Tomorrow Night (Thursday, March 11th) PeeWee Games at Bradford -- To purchase tickets : Girls- 5th then 6th Grade **Clear the gym** Boys- 5th then 6th Grade
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
School PeeWee Basketball starts 3/11 with games at Bradford. Thank you to Red River Dodge for the generous donation and support. All kids will have a pre-game snack during the season.
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud Elementary
Congratulations to the Lady Ramblers & the basketball coaches on their AWESOME season! We are so proud of y’all!! #RamblerBasketball #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Good Luck to our Lady Ramblers in the Basketball State Tournament!!! The Rose Bud Community & School District will be cheering you on! We are proud of y’all! ❣️👏🏀 #TakeSate #3Abasketball #RamblerBasketball #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
The Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., was canceled for 2021, but First Electric Cooperative and the state’s other electric cooperatives will provide a web-based opportunity for select high school juniors in June. The event will allow participants to engage with state and federal elected officials and learn about the cooperative business model as well as the importance of public service. --
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
**DON'T FORGET** #RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Tickets for the Basketball Game tomorrow: — 4PM at Clinton 1st Round of State
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
It is a beautiful day to join us outside at the first home Baseball & Softball games!! #RBHS #RamblerBaseball #RamblerSoftball #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Come out tomorrow afternoon to help us send-off our Lady Ramblers to the STATE TOURNAMENT!!! Bring your signs and your cheering voices! #PuttingStudentsFirst #RBSD #RamblerBasketball
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Correction to the school calendar: School will be out for Good Friday on April 2nd. #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
March regularly scheduled Board meeting scheduled for March 22nd has been moved to March 15, 6:00p.m. due to Spring Break.
about 4 years ago, Allen Blackwell