In honor of tax season, Ms. Echlin's Financial Planning and Wealth Management class are using sample W-2 forms to practice filling out 1040 tax forms!

Mrs. Clark took the top three 5th & 6th grade Elementary Spelling Bee winners to the White County Spelling Bee at Harding last Friday.
Front Row: Abby King
Middle Row: Meadow Mercer, Brylan Langley,
Back Row: Drake Pratt, Hunter Bagwell, Lexi King
Finalist: Abby King

Tomorrow will only be Senior High Teams at 6:00 PM!


Jr. High Ramblers are lifting weights and getting stronger in Coach Haag's Class!


RBES kicks-off the 12th annual Great Kindness Challenge. Presented by Kids for Peace, a California-based global nonprofit, this one-week bullying prevention program provides an opportunity for every student to actively create a culture of compassion, inclusion, unity and respect at school and beyond.
Using a provided kindness checklist, students are “challenged” to complete as many acts of kindness as possible. Checklists were given in Red Folders today. Students who complete the challenges can turn in a checklist to Mrs. English for a small Kindness Prize.

There is a shortage of blood currently, so please consider donating on Wednesday in Rose Bud!
Sign Up Here:

The Rose Bud High School band has hit the ground running this semester in preparation for the Region IV Concert Assessment and our spring concert! You can see us perform at the region concert assessment at Cabot High School on April 4th or our Spring Concert on May 9th!


Home Basketball vs. Harding Academy!!

Jan. 25th -- School District AND Community -- Donate Blood + Save Lives!!
Sign Up Here:

The Arkansas School Boards Association (ASBA) announced that January is School Board Member Recognition Month in Arkansas.
School board members play an essential role in our community. The elected school board members give our Rose Bud citizens a voice in education decision making.
We thank the RBSD School Board for the time, talents, and knowledge they bring to our district and for their commitment to the families and children of our community.

The Rose Bud High School Baseball and Softball Schedules ARE HERE!


5th & 6th Grade Pee Wee Basketball Schedule!! #RamblerAthletics

Lamar School District / Community / Basketball Teams are in the thoughts and prayers of the RBSD Athletics & Community.


We have been awarded with hosting Regionals for Basketball, Baseball, and Softball this year!!

Tomorrow is Rose Bud Basketball Homecoming!! Come out to support the Ramblers!! #RBSD #RamblerAthletics