

Rose Bud School District will not be in session tomorrow, Tuesday, January 31st.
All students must complete their
AMI work for Day #2.
Stay Warm and Safe!


Due to incoming inclement weather, Rose Bud School District will have an early release today, Monday, January 30th.
Car Riders will release at 1:45 PM
Buses will leave at 2:00 PM
We will continue to keep you updated this week.
Stay Warm and Safe!

Mrs. Hipp’s 8th grade reading students are working with nonfiction text structures this week!


Thursday, Feb. 2nd :
AT Episcopal
ONLY Sr. High Teams

RBSD Announcement:

Coach Nash’s class is creating real life scenarios/problems, then using three of the major life skills (decision making, coping, communication) to find healthy ways to solve them!

Mrs. Marlin’s Chemistry Classes are working on a Molecular Geometry lab with Jelly Beans!
They are drawing structures, finding Molecular type, then using Geometry to build.

#HomeGameDay #RamblerAthletics

Rose Bud Schools will be open January 26th. See you Thursday morning.


RBSD will not be in session tomorrow due to inclement weather.
Students will complete their AMI Work for the AMI Day #1!
This will count for their attendance for Wednesday, so make sure to complete the school assignments.
Stay Safe & Warm!
Enjoy your snow day!

Snow Day, Snow Day. You have a Snow Day tomorrow. Wednesday January 25th. The Snow Dances Worked. See you Thursday Morning.


There is a shortage of blood currently, so please consider donating TOMORROW at Rose Bud School District in the Safe Room!
Sign Up Here:

Valentine's Day Candy Grams!!

Game Day @ Episcopal!
Purchase Tickets Here: