Senior Night is still on for tonight!
Join us in supporting our hardworking 2020 Seniors at the basketball games! #RBHS #RamblerBasketball

Congratulations to the Jr. High Ramblers & Jr. High Lady Ramblers along with Coach Moss & Coach Harrell for both finishing as Runners-Up in District Tournament!
#RamblerBasketball #RBHS

Congratulations to Mrs Kelly Clark for the outstanding GT/AP program at RBSD!

Big Day // Thursday at Marshall!
Come out and help us cheer on BOTH of the Junior High basketball teams in the District Finals!!!
#RBSD #RamblerBasketball

#RamblerBasketball #SeniorNight #RBHS

FCCLA members are getting candy grams ready to be delivered on Valentine’s Day!

Mrs. Frizzell's class using the “voting chips” interactive learning structure she brought back from the GT workshop. 8th grade science students are studying for their tests.

Agriculture Mechanics students finish another smoker on a trailer!

Ms. Echlin & Mrs. Cooper brought St. Mary's Bakery donuts to the FBLA meeting this morning to show how much they appreciate their High School & Jr. High Members!
They worked hard for District & now many are working hard for State! We are so proud of Rose Bud FBLA!! #RBHS

Amelia Armstrong presents her “how to” speech in Mrs. Hipp's class. How to tie-dye a shirt.

Today is the day the Lit. And Comp. students present their papers and visuals(A.K.A. CEILING TILE DAY)!!

Mrs. Wortham's Environmental Science classes working on their Biome projects!

#RamblerBasketball #RBHS

If you are interested in trying out use the following form:
https://forms.gle/gggbc6raEitYXeGy6 or for questions contact Ms. Maurer, kmaurer@rbsd.k12.ar.us

Mark your calendar!

KARK News has inaccurately reported that several area schools will be closed Wednesday, February 5. The Rose Bud School District will be in session tomorrow February 5. School closings will always be shared on district social media as well as with local news outlets.

Rose Bud Sr. High FBLA competed at the District V Spring Conference today. Five members will be advancing to the state competition in April.
Zoe Zeman- 1st Place in Intro to Parliamentary Procedure
Cameron Swaim- 1st Place in Economics
Lauren Martin- 4th Place in Job Interview
Malachi Morgan and Niko Mannon- 5th Place in Entrepreneurship
Kortney Clayton also gave her farewell speech as the District V President, and is preparing her campaign to run for Arkansas State FBLA President in April. #arfbla #ardv20 #RBHS

It’s finally February!!! RBE students stop by the library for your chance to fall in love with a great book.

#schoolcounselors help thousands of K-12 students worldwide. This week we celebrate
their efforts, hard work and dedication here at Rose Bud School District. Happy #NSCW2020!