The Lady Ramblers deserve so much support on Wednesday at their first basketball game in the state tournament!
We need at least 25 to sign-up by Tuesday at Noon so we are able to take a pep bus on Wednesday!
Please go to the high school office to sign-up or ask questions! #RBHS #TakeState

Great day at Rose Bud Elementary! We would like to thank our partner in education, Red River Dodge, for their donation on providing snacks for our PeeWee program. We appreciate all you do for our school and district.

The Lady Ramblers will compete in the first round of the 3A State Basketball Tournament on Wednesday!
Vs. Ashdown
At Charleston High School
1:00 PM
#RBHS #RamblerBasketball #TakeState

Head out to Waldron today to support our Lady Ramblers in Regionals.
They will be battling for 3rd place and preparing for the State Tournament!
Good Luck Today, Ladies & Coach Moss!!
#RBHS #RamblerBasketball

Mrs. Virginia Rodgers demonstrated how to make yeast breads to the FCS students. #RBHS

Here are the arrangements for Mrs. Kristie Irwin.
She was a teacher at Rose Bud High School for 18 years, and will be deeply missed by so many! She loved everyone and loved her job! We are thankful for the impact that she has left on this school and community!

GAME DAY! Plus, it is Friday, so make the trip to support the girls this evening!!
They won last night & advanced to the next round of Regionals, and punched their ticket to the State Tournament! Congrats! #RBHS #RamblerBasketball

Save the date! The fourth grade musical production of The Granny Awards will be March 12 at 6pm in the Arena. Everyone is welcome to attend this event.

Call the clinic to set up an appointment to meet with an insurance specialist to discuss your insurance options and questions. Brought to you by the Rose Bud School-Based Health Clinic

This past Friday, 7th - 12th graders had the option to participate in the Reality Enrichment and Life Lessons (REALL) Simulation. Students were given different scenarios in a reactive and proactive environment. They completed daily tasks that adults face every day, including paying bills, social services, childcare, employment, etc… #RBHS

#RBHS #RamblerTrackAndField

Come out on Thursday to support our Lady Ramblers Basketball Team in the first round of Regionals!
7 PM at Waldron!
#RBHS #RamblerBasketball

Good luck to RBE GT students as they compete at Quiz Bowl today!

Interim Grade Reports sent home with students 7th - 12th.

Students in Mrs Adams’ class are investigating the qualities of good writing skills.

Please note the regularly scheduled Board Meeting for February 24th has been moved to February 25th at 6:00 p.m.

African American History Month presentations in Mrs. Frizzell's class!

March 13-19

March 13-19