Semester Test Schedule for Next Week!
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack #RamblerAthletics
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack #RamblerAthletics
Ginger Fuller received a $100 check for her Say No to Drugs art submission to the American Legion last year.
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
Mr. Cross' freshman agriculture class presenting their beef cattle PowerPoints to the class .
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
Saturday : December 4th
Harding Academy Jamboree
7th and 8th Grade
Brayden Reedy and Bryce Walls, members of Rose Bud FCCLA chapter, partnered with the Arkansas Road Team from the Arkansas Trucking Association to present the Share the Road program to all Family and Consumer Science and Agriculture students at Rose Bud High School.
This was done as part of the National Programs in Action STAR Events and in conjunction with the Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety national FCCLA program.
Artist, Mary King, discussed her inspiration, painting techniques, and career with the Rose Bud fifth grade GT students today!
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
Mr. Cross & Rose Bud FFA students are working hard to refurbish this old cattle squeeze chute!
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack #FFA
-Central Arkansas Pee Wee Basketball-
Basketball Game Reminders:
- Tonight the Sr. Girls play at 7:00 PM in the Quitman Fast Break Classic against Pottsville!!
- Tomorrow (Friday) the Harding Academy Games have been postponed!
- Saturday will be the Harding Academy Jamboree for 7th & 8th grade boys & girls teams!
Mr. Graveley's 7th Grade Science Classes are witnessing the formation of a non-Newtonian fluid... which we all know as SLIME!!
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
Beta Club President, Zoe Zeeman, and Vice President, Ella Wise, are busy making plans for food drive distribution!
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
Our Ramblers volunteered for a local food drive!
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
Thank you to Dollar General for sponsoring the toy drive for the Beta Angel Tree Project!
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
Congratulations to Abraham Madron, Riley Jett, and Matthew Stephen on Rose Bud's Rocket League team on making the ESPORTS PLAYOFFS!! #esports #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
The Rambler Pride Awards are chosen by the teachers each month and presented at the School Board Meeting!
The November awards were presented to (High School) Lincoln Issacson and Hannah Harrison & (Elementary) Railynn Mitchell and London Jackson! #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
#RamblerAthletics #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
#RBHS #Jostens #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack
#RamblerAthletics #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack