Congratulations to Kamryn & Sarah!!

Moonlight Madness is TONIGHT!!!

Here is the bracket for the junior high basketball tournament at Southside starting Monday.
Our Jr. Girls will play on Monday @ 7:00 and the Jr. Boys will play Wednesday at 7:00!!

Coach Coleman took the High School Rambler Chess Team to the Wilbur D. Mills Co-Op Fall Chess Tournament -- They placed 3rd as a team and Nickolas Golla is the Undefeated Jr.High Champion!!


Please contact Nurse Jeannie if your student tests positive for the flu.

Friday will be Picture Make-Up Day!!

Coleby Compton is this weeks RoofTec/Worn Identities Rambler of the Week! Coleby came in first at the JB district meet leading the Jr Boys team to a conference championship!

Art Club and Project Prevent hosted an anti-vaping and drug poster contest during Red Ribbon Week, and 8th grader Molly Smith won!
Great job, Molly!!

Rambler Basketball played the first home games of the season last night!!
Both Junior Boys (58-41) & Senior Boys (91-34) took the Win over Nemo Vista!
We are excited to watch all of our athletes compete this basketball season!! #RamblerAthletics

1st Basketball Home Game of the Season is TODAY!!

Thank you to our RBSD Community!! The Elementary Book Fair sold $5,233.68 last week!!! This helps the Elementary Library purchase more books for the students!!


Rambler Athletics This Week!

Welcome, Angela Cotton!
She has been appointed to the RBSD School Board!!

The 1st home basketball night of the season will be this Tuesday!!! Come out to support our Ramblers!
Friday evening we will have Moonlight Madness to kick off our Rambler Basketball Season!!

Everyone is invited to join us as we honor our Veterans on November 11th!

FCCLA sponsored blood drive on Wednesday, November 16 from 9:00 to 1:30 in the RBSD safe room. Community members are encouraged to donate! Students 16 and older can donate with a signed permission slip. Schedule an appointment at visit.arkbi.org.

Mr. Moore's students are working on a 'branches of government' group project!!

Take State!!
#RamblerAthletics #Volleyball