Congratulations to Kamryn & Sarah!! #RamblerAthletics
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Moonlight Madness is TONIGHT!!! #RamblerAthletics
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Here is the bracket for the junior high basketball tournament at Southside starting Monday. Our Jr. Girls will play on Monday @ 7:00 and the Jr. Boys will play Wednesday at 7:00!!
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Coach Coleman took the High School Rambler Chess Team to the Wilbur D. Mills Co-Op Fall Chess Tournament -- They placed 3rd as a team and Nickolas Golla is the Undefeated Jr.High Champion!!
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Please contact Nurse Jeannie if your student tests positive for the flu.
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Friday will be Picture Make-Up Day!!
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Coleby Compton is this weeks RoofTec/Worn Identities Rambler of the Week! Coleby came in first at the JB district meet leading the Jr Boys team to a conference championship!
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Art Club and Project Prevent hosted an anti-vaping and drug poster contest during Red Ribbon Week, and 8th grader Molly Smith won! Great job, Molly!!
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Rambler Basketball played the first home games of the season last night!! Both Junior Boys (58-41) & Senior Boys (91-34) took the Win over Nemo Vista! We are excited to watch all of our athletes compete this basketball season!! #RamblerAthletics
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
1st Basketball Home Game of the Season is TODAY!! #RamblerAthletics
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Thank you to our RBSD Community!! The Elementary Book Fair sold $5,233.68 last week!!! This helps the Elementary Library purchase more books for the students!! #ScholasticBookFair
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Rambler Athletics This Week!
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Welcome, Angela Cotton! She has been appointed to the RBSD School Board!!
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
The 1st home basketball night of the season will be this Tuesday!!! Come out to support our Ramblers! — Friday evening we will have Moonlight Madness to kick off our Rambler Basketball Season!! — #RamblerAthletics
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Everyone is invited to join us as we honor our Veterans on November 11th!
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
FCCLA sponsored blood drive on Wednesday, November 16 from 9:00 to 1:30 in the RBSD safe room. Community members are encouraged to donate! Students 16 and older can donate with a signed permission slip. Schedule an appointment at
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Mr. Moore's students are working on a 'branches of government' group project!!
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District
GOOD LUCK LADY RAMBLERS!! Take State!! #RamblerAthletics #Volleyball
over 2 years ago, Rose Bud School District