For our families effected by loss of work/income- The Governor announced he has directed the Arkansas Commerce Department to waive the one week waiting period so individuals are immediately eligible for unemployment, and the work requirement will be waived for the next 30 days

The Disney on Ice field trip for ABC and Kindergarten April 3, 2020 has been cancelled by the company. Parents will receive a refund.

Good Morning Ramblers! Today, 3/17/20, is day 4 of AMI. Please complete work for Day 4. All instructional staff are available to help you, please email them if you have any questions or concerns. If you need a meal provided tomorrow or Thurs, please contact the school by 1pm.

Rose Bud FFA Members and Community,
Due to the Rose Bud Campus being closed because of health concerns (COVID-19) we are postponing the delivery of our FFA chicken fundraiser. It is in the best interest of our students not to meet on Thursday to deliver chicken. It is all of our responsibility to take measures to keep this virus from spreading. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Our student safety is our first priority. We will give everyone a two weeks notice on the new delivery date. Thank you
#WeloveRoseBudFFA #washyourhands #socialdistancing 💙💛💙💛💙

All school events, including parent-teacher conferences, are cancelled until a date to be determined. #RBHS

Students are also able to access digital books through Capstone Interactive eBooks:
Visit www.mycapstonelibrary.com and click "Log In"
Username: continue
Password: reading

Students can access digital books during this time! Thank you Capstone for offering this service.
Visit www.pebblego.com and click "Sign In"
Username: engaged
Password: learning


Rose Bud is approved for meal delivery 3/17-3/19. If you need meals delivered by our community volunteers for students fill out this form or call your school by 1:00 the day prior. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfhJtN3-_x0wVuBMg-Iv3d2fIIRmqCBbSIhueTf2dzfaCwEcA/viewform

Reminder: even with school closed; the school-based health clinic is open. Call 501-556-4344 to make an appointment with ARCare in Rose Bud.

Having trouble finding your students AMI day work? Click the link below for a short how-to video on locating their work online. https://youtu.be/xKioeq6vy0E

The SBHC would like to pass on this official statement from ARCare.


The Baseball tournament in Carlisle has been canceled for today, but the Ramblers will travel to Tuckerman to play them at 4:00 PM instead!!
Lady Rambler Softball will travel to play at Clinton today at 4:30!!
#RBHS #Baseball #Softball #GoodLuck

Arkansas Department of Education's response and guidance to schools regarding COVID-19 has been sent out, follow this link for more information:

The 4th grade musical production of The Granny Awards is tonight at 6:00pm in the Arena.

It’s here! Come see why we’re wild about books! Family Event March 19th 2:30-7:30!

A 3rd College Baseball Signee this school year for the Rose Bud Ramblers!
Keaton Bates will be continuing his baseball career at Central Baptist College!
Rose Bud School District is proud of this young man! Congratulations!

Rose Bud FCCLA was recognized at the state level for being a Platinum Level Chapter for the FCCLA State Project. We are also one of only 19 Gold Star Chapters in the state of Arkansas. #RBHS

Speed up your check-in process at the SBHC by filling out forms at home. Use the link https://bit.ly/2Q3sXvT to access the forms you will need.