RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

Seniors: The Rose Bud Local Scholarship Application has been digitized. Click the following link and fill out the application by April 17th to apply for local scholarships. https://forms.gle/tXjTQ99NH7Jb7kzM6

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

Since GT is all about exercising our brains...
Let’s s-t-r-e-t-c-h our brains with some Superheros!
We all know Spiderman was bitten by a spider which caused him to become Spiderman. How did Batman become Batman? #TerrificTalentedGT

From the SBHC: ARCARE offers telehealth service, phone visits, and virtual services. New patients may contact coordinated care at 870-347-3461 for setup or anyone can visit https://bit.ly/39d9Iql for more information. Again, the clinic is open to the community.

A message from the Rose Bud Superintendent Mr. Luke Lovins can be found at https://youtu.be/bcgv3aLX3tA

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

A note from Coach Wortham to her classes.

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

Mrs. English would love to hear from elementary parents and kids! You can email or use this form to connect with her. https://forms.gle/i8Q9CFbEDp6njgWc7

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

RBHS Senior Spotlight!!
#Senior2020 #RBHS

High School: Letterman Jacket orders and sizing has been postponed until further notice.