Weekly Virtual Parent Support Virtual Meetings begin today. Link: http://bit.ly/RVAZOOM

Elementary picture day will be Tuesday September 15th. Students part of Rambler Virtual Academy who would like their picture taken, they may come 10:30-11:30 am. Fall pictures are used in the yearbook. #PuttingStudentsFirst

Parents of virtual students- We are offering support via a Zoom meeting each Monday @ 1:30pm. If this time does not work for you, please reach out to your building principal. We want to support you! https://bit.ly/2ZmbC5S

First grade is working hard after a three day weekend! #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst #RoseBudAthletics

Volleyball Schedule changes and information attached. #PuttingStudentsFirst

Rose Bud School District will be closed for Labor Day, Monday September 7, 2020

Virtual Football Pep Rally:

Did you know that schools receive money based on the needs of the community? One way to determine the need is based on the number of students on free or reduced lunches. Please complete paper or electronic forms https://www.lunchapplication.com/

#RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst #RoseBudAthletics

Robotics class students are taping off their scaled courses on the field & getting them ready to test out the robots that they have built. #PuttingStudentsFirst #EngagingLearning #PreparingFortheFuture

RBSD announces that meals, breakfast and lunch, beginning September 3, 2020 will be free. There will be no charge.

Due to inclement weather the home volleyball game has been canceled for tonight. #PuttingStudentsFirst

Sever weather has cleared the area. Buses are being loaded now and parent pick-up will begin shortly. #PuttingStudentsFirst

Please be advised we are currently in contact with local and state officials regarding the weather. We will hold buses if necessary. Please watch all social media for continued information. #PuttingStudentsFirst

Due to COVID restrictions, football game attendance will be limited all season. Please read the attached information and refer all questions to Mr. Starkey at dstarkey@rbsd.k12.ar.us #PuttingStudentsFirst

Our 4th grade team showed off steps we are taking daily to keep students and staff healthy. Frequent cleaning of shared surfaces and spaces AND frequent use of hand sanitizer and/or hand washing. #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst #RoseBudAthletics

Due to potential risk of inclement weather, Rose Bud School District will dismiss Thursday August 27th at 2:00pm. Friday August 28th will be a virtual day for all students.

High School Athletics: Tomorrow the volleyball game is canceled.