This Evening!!

-- NEXT WEEK -- Elementary & High School --
#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst #HappyHolidays

These are the 9th - 12th grade art history research & recreation projects!
Mrs. Carlson said that the artists chosen ranged from Michelangelo, Botticelli, Escher, Monet, and many more!
#acrylicpainting #watercolor #coloredpencil #RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBHS #Basketball #RoseBudAthletics #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst #RoseBudCommunity

#RBHS #RoseBudAthletics #PuttingStudentsFirst

This Evening!!!

Enjoy the Rose Bud Christmas Parade with us -- at 6 PM this Saturday!! #RBSD #RoseBudCommunity #HappyHolidays #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst #RoseBudCommunity

Congratulations!!! #RBSD #RoseBudChoir #PuttingStudentsFirst

First Graders, Shyanne and Magnolia, are showing their Rambler Pride -- Ready for some more Rose Bud Rambler basketball games!!
#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst #RoseBudCommunity

The basketball games scheduled for Thursday, December 3rd, have been canceled!! Updates for basketball will be posted later!! #RBHS #RoseBudAthletics #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBHS #Cheer #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RoseBudAthletics #RBHS #GoRamblers #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst

Happy Thanksgiving!! #RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst

Reminder: even though we are on Thanksgiving Break, we are still following our COVID-19 Procedures. Please reach out to our point of contact, Tonya Chandler, if your Rose Bud Student tests positive!!

Congratulations to all of our Rose Bud FFA Shooting Sports members!! Great job!!
#RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst