Due to possible inclement weather, Rose Bud Schools will shift to virtual instruction on Thursday, February 11th.
about 4 years ago, Allen Blackwell
Due to possible inclement weather today Rose Bud school District will be closed. Notification concerning Thursday will be sent later today. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, David Crews
Due to possible inclement weather today Rose Bud school District will be closed. Notification concerning Thursday will be sent later today. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Allen Blackwell
Due to inclement weather, Rose Bud School District will pivot to at home instruction tomorrow Wednesday February 10th.
about 4 years ago, David Crews
Due to inclement weather, Rose Bud School District will pivot to at home instruction tomorrow Wednesday February 10th.
about 4 years ago, Allen Blackwell
https://www.rosebudschools.com/page/athletic -- #RBHS #RamblerBasketball #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Both teams advance to the semi-finals of District!!! Junior Girls — Sophie Norris hits a 3 at the buzzer. Lady Ramblers win 21-20! Junior Boys — Another nail biter, and also advancing to the semi-finals with a 41-37 win! •Semi-Finals will be Thursday• JG - 6:00 PM at Cave City JB - 6:00 PM at Riverview Congratulations to both teams!! Good Luck! #RamblerBasketball #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
#PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Junior High District Tournament begins tonight at Mountain View : Tickets will be $5 at the door. Tuesday & Friday will be home games for the Senior High Teams. Purchase Tickets Here: https://www.rosebudschools.com/page/athletic #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Congratulations Honor Graduates! #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Thank you Mrs English for everything you do for students, families and staff at RBE! We appreciate your hard work and dedication.
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud Elementary
#RBES #RamblerBasketball #PeeWeeBasketball #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
COVID 19 ANNOUNCEMENT RBSD has one-3rd grade Elementary teacher to test positive for Covid. There are 5 additional staff members and 7 students that will be quarantined. We do have substitute teachers coming in to cover 3rd grade. We will continue to have onsite instruction for all students. Please call Elementary office at 501-556-5815 #1 for questions.
about 4 years ago, Allen Blackwell
Family and Consumer Science Investigations students had to "Save Sam". This was a collaborative challenge STEM activity where students had to work together to solve a problem. #PuttingStudentsFirst #RBHS
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
#PuttingStudentsFirst #RoseBudAthletics #RamblerBasketball
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
We have made it 100 days this school year! Thank you to everyone who has helped our students and staff get to this point! #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud Elementary
Senior High Girls at Riverview tonight has been canceled! It will be ONLY JG & SB. Same game time: 4:30 PM. #PuttingStudentsFirst #RamblerBasketball
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
National School Counselor's Week!
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Congratulations to our Homecoming Princess, Freshman Maid - Lily Poole & to our Homecoming Queen, Senior Maid - Alyssa Arnold! #RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst #BasketballHomecoming
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District
Rambler Basketball Update: Thursday at Bradford has been Canceled. We will play away Monday, Tuesday, and Friday this week. Good Luck Ramblers!! #RBSD #RoseBudAthletics #PuttingStudentsFirst
about 4 years ago, Rose Bud School District