Virtual students who have completed all work may begin turning in chromebooks, chargers, and hot spots today. All chromebooks, chargers, and hot spots must be turned in by Tuesday, June 1st.

Have a Happy & Safe Memorial Day Weekend & Summer Break!!
#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst

RBE students enjoyed a day of fun! #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBHS #Athletics


Rose Bud School District's very first West Point Graduate!! Congratulations!!
We are very proud of our 2016 Graduate & now 2LT, Jake Cantey!
Thank you for serving our country in the U.S. Army!
Mrs. Kristie Irwin would be especially proud of his accomplishments! She was a huge supporter of Jake, and all of her students, on their endeavors during and post-high school!


#RBES #PuttingStudentsFirst

RBHS Spring Athletic Banquet! #PuttingStudentsFirst

Mrs. Strain gave a tour of the High School to our 6th Graders going into the 7th Grade!
The Elementary will miss this class, but the High School is excited to have them move up next year!! #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBES #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RoseBudBand #PuttingStudentsFirst

Job Openings: https://rosebudschools.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx?fbclid=IwAR0mO0VUCfbla3SV9x4SRt9njZ3KRRJzOq3zZGv4jW4BBvZ4HOUsCIzmtf0

We had a great concert last night with our bands and choir! Thank you to all who participated and attended. Below are photos of our award recipients for the year! #RBHSband #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBHS #FFA #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBHSband #PuttingStudentsFirst

ABC has been learning about farms and how we get food. After discussing farm animals and how milk is used to make many different products, we made butter this morning. The students each took turns shaking the jars and helping with the process. Now time for taste testing!!!

2021 Seniors - Make sure to come pick up your banners and yard signs from the high school office before next Friday, May 21st!
#RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBHSband #PuttingStudentsFirst