

Don't forget! Students can still get physicals on Thursday!
#BetterTogether-Back on Track

#RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst

#IHeartRB #ARcare #RBSD #PuttingStudentsFirst

#ARcare #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBVolleyball #PuttingStudentsFirst

Brayden Reedy earned a silver medal at the National FCCLA Leadership Conference in July for Career Investigations competitive event.
#RBFCCLA #PuttingStudentsFirst

Updated Rambler Football Schedule for 2021 - 2022!


#BackToSchool #PuttingStudentsFirst


RBHSSeniors! #Classof2022 #PuttingStudentsFirst

#RBHS #PuttingStudentsFirst

Students enjoyed learning about animals native to Arkansas as they were #ExploringAcademics. Thank you Arkansas Game and Fish for coming to speak!

Rose Bud CAPCA Head Start is taking applications for 3-5 year olds for the upcoming year 21/22!!!

Contact ARcare, the Rose Bud School District School-Based Health Clinic, from 8 AM - 5 PM (Monday - Friday) at 501-556-4344!

What a great first day of #ExploringAcademics!