#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

Parent Involvement Training
September 20--Parents can come to the high school counselor's office at 8:00 or 9:00. We will do a Zoom meeting at 8:30. Any parent can also come in person to the counselors office at that time; she will also be conducting the zoom meeting.
Parents can email Mrs. Strain for the Zoom link.
There will be another Parent Volunteer Training in October: 5:00 pm, Monday, October 11 in the high school principal's office.

RBHS XC Schedule!
#BackOnTrack #BetterTogether #RamblerAthletics

#RamblerFootball #FridayNightLights #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

#RamblerVolleyball #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

Lady Rambler Volleyball Schedule Updates:
There will be no volleyball games today.
Games against Cedar Ridge scheduled for today and September 27th have been canceled and will not be rescheduled.
Games against Atkins have been rescheduled for September 28th at Home beginning at 4:30. The games were originally scheduled to be in Atkins, but have been moved to Rose Bud.
#RamblerVolleyball #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

RBSD wants to thank the wonderful Mrs. Kathy Moss for once again working her magic and hooking us up with her awesome artwork!🌹🏈🟥⬛️⬜️
Come support the Rambler Football Team tonight!!!
#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack #RamblerFootball

#BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

Junior Class is already hard at work to raise money for prom!
#JuniorClass #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

#PictureDay #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

Make sure you get your t-shirt ordered!
#JuniorClass #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

#literacymatters #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

#RamblerVolleyball #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

If you didn't get a form for senior pictures, you can clink on this link:

#ARcare #BetterTogether #BackOnTrack

One of our alumni came to visit us! 2016 Rose Bud Graduate, Cody Lynch, came to help with the Covid vaccine clinic today! Cody is currently in his second year at Harding University in Pharmacy School!